Tag : womenadvriders
A Letter to My Friends: 2020
Dearest friends, 2020 has been quite a year!...
ADV Gifts for the Ones You Love!
We all know the perfect Valentine’s Day gift is not wrapped in plastic or in a heart shaped box. It’s showing love by helping our...
Preparing for the CABDR
The CABDR route is scouted and released, and my husband and I can’t wait to ride it. We’ve been prepping for a while, but we’re...
The Road to GS Trophy 2020
One of our contestants was a little girl who was passionate about ballet, one grew up on a 100 acre farm, and one is part...
B360: Changing Lives with Dirt Bikes
B360 means “Be the Revolution.” What does a rider look like? Are motorcycles “good” or “bad?” What about riders? Perception is everything, and one woman...
WABDR Ride Report Section 1
The Washington Backcountry Discovery Route (WABDR): Breathtaking views, six days of challenging off road riding, camaraderie, and camping, is there anything else you could ask for...
Raising Adventurous Children
Every parent begins the process of raising a child with a mixture of hopes, dreams, and fears. And though each child is born with a...
The Extreme Life: Amelia Darmawan
When you hear “The Extreme Life”, what does it conjure up for you? ...
Crystal Loves Moto
BY KRIS FANT “What the hell am I going to do with this thing?” Crystal thought, when her high school sweetheart surprised her with a...
Grief is Like Surfing
BY GINAMARIA AUSTIN There is an old saying: “Time heals all wounds.” I do not agree. Time does not lessen the pain or grief, it...