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Editor’s Letter

As world travelers, we’re in a constant state of marvel. As riders, we’re in constant pursuit of freedom. As women, we love to connect, share, and grow together.

And that’s what last month at Women ADV Riders was all about. Our first weeks of existence were full of awe: we wondered at Mahsa’s courage, were inspired by Nora’s determination, and got intrigued by Chantal’s adventures in Asia. We published a whole bunch of stories to help you achieve financial and emotional freedom: our contributing editor Elisa shared her insights about funding your dream journey, while Lynda wrote about managing fears and surviving the matrix. Liz, our wonderful freelance contributor, explained the pros of packing and traveling light; Kris, our off-road editor, introduced us to the joy of working on your own bike and managing tricky dirt riding situations. As our community grows, we were excited to share Georgia Melville’s article about first aid and motorcycle emergenciesRamey Stroud’s tips on mastering the slow turns, and Amanda Zito’s thoughts on motorcycles and art. And finally, we figured there’s no need to take ADV riding so seriously: adventure is always about the journey, and not about the kind of bike.

We’re proud of the fact that our readership numbers have quadrupled since the launch: thank you all for reading, commenting, and sharing! We appreciate all of you who follow us on social media, get involved, and contribute stories. We’re extremely grateful to Outback Motortek USA East, who were the first to believe in us and continue to support us in 2017. A big thanks to all of you who donated to WADVR! Because of supporters like you, we were able to revamp the magazine, get even more people involved, and come up with new features.

This month, we invite you to take part in our Best Adventure Video contest: show off your best video, tell your story, and win three awesome prizes! Have a question regarding mind and soul? Ask Lynda. Every Thursday, our counselor Lynda Lahman will be answering your questions about mental skills. Not sure about a particularly gnarly off-road section? Let us know: we’re recruiting the best off-road coaches across the world to help you out with your riding techniques.

And remember: Women ADV Riders has been created for you, our readers. You get to decide what we write, investigate, and share! Drop us a line at, and let’s have a chat.

Ride safe,

Sincerely, Egle

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