An Off Road Adventure: Xenia’s Big Ride
Xenia Sagesser is on a round-the-world off road adventure – and she’s not sure if there’s an end date.
You’ve probably heard of Xenia and her boyfriend Martin’s blog, XT Adventures, or seen their Instagram posts. The adventurous Swiss couple have been riding around the world for the last two years now, and according to Xenia, they haven’t decided whether there’s a homecoming date in sight…or at all.
So who’s the fearless woman behind XT Adventures, what’s it like to be on an indefinite off road adventure round the world, and what’s Xenia’s recipe for freedom?
We talked to Xenia as she and Martin await for their bikes to arrive in New Zealand.
Tell us a little about yourself!
We hear you love riding off-road?

Is riding RTW difficult?
A lot of couples fear that a journey like this will either “make it or break it” in terms of the relationship. Would you say they journey has impacted your and Martin’s relationship?

What’s the most challenging about riding RTW? What’s the best?

So many people assume that riding RTW requires expert level of riding skills, excellent mechanical knowledge, experience, and so on – in other words, that it’s a very daring and complicated challenge. What are your thoughts on this?

Lots of riders are interested in way to fund such a journey.
Have you met many women riders on the way?
What would you like to see more of, in terms of women and adventure riding?

We’ve launched an ongoing “Adventure is Attitude” campaign where we hope to inspire women to boost their self-confidence through travel, motorcycling, and adventure. Could you share some thoughts on that?

What would be your advice to those who want to go RTW but are hesitant or afraid?
3. Go to events like Horizons Unlimited and meet other people who want to do the same and even better, who already did the same journey you dream of.
What’s the best way to build confidence riding and traveling?