The Spirit of ADV: The Serenity Prayer
The Spirit of ADV, AKA The Serenity Prayer
Universe, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
It’s hours before the adventure. Bikes are loaded on a trailer. Bags are packed. My mind has one focus… CABDR.
How do you know if you are adventure ready? When’s the best time to go? I think the serenity prayer is a great guide for this.
Universe, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change….
Weather, mechanical issues, road closures and illness can all affect a trip. We can choose to roll with what comes or resist it. Truth is, we cannot bend the universe to our will, but we do have tremendous power over our attitude, our thoughts, and our response. When we learn to accept what is, rather than wishing for what could be, we open ourselves up to the deepest adventure.
The courage to change the things I can…
We’ve done the prep. The bikes have been examined with a fine tooth comb. My health behaviors are at an all time high with nearly daily cardio and strength training. We’ve done as much riding practice as we could possibly squeeze in. We’ve studied maps, terrain, documentaries, ride reports, and consulted with friends who have made the trip. We’ve planned the transport and made reservations at Benton Hot Springs Friday, April 26th. We’ve practiced with all of our camera and video gear. We have discussed being realistic with our current energy levels, being genuinely supportive and adapting the route, making this trip a positive experience for our friendship and relationship. We have done all the things within our control.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Serenity comes from the deep knowledge that we have done everything in our power to create the environment for success. Experience and learning brings the wisdom needed to differentiate between what is in our control and what is not. Wisdom is being open to these lessons.
For me, this encapsulates “Adventure is Attitude.” Whatever happens from today forward, the only thing in my control is how I adapt and respond to adversity and success.
I have been following your prep with keen interest, finding lots of helpful tips for my own prep before a big trip. Most of all, I love your positive outlook, looking forward to reading about your adventure. Enjoy 🙂
Awesome, thank you so much!