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Trans Euro Trail: Katja

Katja Karteusch, a German off road rider aboard a Honda CRF250 Rally, had first heard about the Trans Euro Trail accidently.

“My husband and I were researching the TAT for our upcoming trip across the Americas and misspelled the acronym, which lead us to discover the Trans Euro Trail. It was a lucky mistake!”, – Katja remembered.

Trans Euro Trail

Her dad, an enthusiastic motorcyclist himself, was responsible for getting Katja interested in motorcycling. She got her motorcycle license four years ago and soon began riding off – road. Trans Euro Trail

So far, Katja has ridden the TET in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and parts of the Trans Euro Trail in the Netherlands, Belgium, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania. “As I live in Western Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium are not that far away, which is perfect for a weekend off road trip on the TET.

I had never visited the Balkans before and always wanted to ride there. When I heard that you could ride the Trans Euro Trail tracks there, I knew I just had to try them. I did it this year and it was amazing!”.

Trans Euro Trail

Challenges and Highlights on the Trans Euro Trail

The highlights of the trail, Katja said, were Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. “TET Croatia had a very steep and rocky part which I won’t forget so fast: after that section, I needed a half an hour break to rest and catch my breath”, – Katja recalled, smiling.

Trans Euro Trail

According to her, the best part about the Trans Euro Trail is that it’s quiet, picturesque and remote.

“I am not a fan of big cities and crowded, touristic places, so I really enjoy the Trans Euro Trail routes: riding rocky single trails through huge forests or up to beautiful mountains and chatting with the locals.

Trans Euro Trail

With every TET track I ride – especially the more challenging parts – I learn a lot and improve my off-road riding skills with every kilometer, which feels like a boost for my self-confidence as a motorcycle rider.

I also like the team spirit of the TET community: if anyone needs advice or help the people don’t hesitate, and that is really inspiring”.

Trans Euro Trail

Katja said she would recommend the Trans Euro Trail to all women riders out there: it’s great for off-road training, building your skills, and exploring Europe.

The Trans Euro Trail brings you to remote, beautiful places you might not find by yourself. And as simple as it sounds, riding the TET is also a lot of fun!

Trans Euro Trail

Haven’t met any other female rides on the trails, but I have to admit that I haven’t met many riders on the TET in general. It would be great to meet other women on the Trans Euro Trail one day!”

Are you a woman rider on the TET? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a message and we’ll be in touch!

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