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The Women’s Guide To Motorcycling. Breakfast with Lynda


Lynda Lahman and I had breakfast the other day, and the discussion inevitably veered towards women and riding. “What makes your book a women’s guide to motorcycling?”, – I asked.

After all, we are all riders, and gender shouldn’t matter when it comes to motorcycling. “Absolutely – it’s not that women ride differently, or need different tools to get into motorcycling. I wrote this book and titled it “The Women’s Guide to Motorcycling” just so women could see that other women ride, so they could have role models that look like them. So many books, online resources and other publications are aimed at men, and it just doesn’t always appeal to women. I wanted them to have a resource that is about them, for them, and with them”, – says Lynda.

Women’s Guide to Motorcycling is exactly that: a comprehensive, well-written, informative and inspirational resource for women who are thinking of getting into motorcycling, or contemplating getting back into the saddle after a long hiatus. The book covers a brief history of women in motorcycling (that’s right – female riders aren’t a new trend at all!), the basics of getting started, choosing a motorcycle, basic mechanics, safety, gear, mental skills, community, and much more. It answers questions like, “Is motorcycling for me?”, “Should I keep riding after having a baby?”, “How can I gain my confidence back after a long break?”, and many others.

A motorcycle doesn’t know if its rider is male or female, and the techniques of riding don’t change based on sex. Riding instructors describe their female students as highly attentive, willing to listen, and even able to take feedback better than their male counterparts. So why write a motorcycling book specifically for women? While there are bold, confident women who have taken up motorcycling without a second thought, more often than not, women describe a hesitation when it comes to motorcycling. The same instructors who rave about their students notice a similar trend. Women riders often struggle with speaking up for themselves once they leave the practice course, finding instead that they give in to the demands or expectations of others. Women report lower confidence in their abilities and feelings of fear or anxiety when practicing the skills necessary to build that sense of confidence. These same themes emerge when I speak with groups of women and listen to their stories of learning to ride. What also becomes clear is that as women gain competence through practice, they find their voices. As a result, their confidence grows exponentially, and this growth isn’t limited to the arena of motorcycling. Navigating U-turns, handling tight curves, and keeping the bike upright on uneven ground builds a sense of mastery for riding, and that sense of mastery carries over into many other areas of their lives. Whether they choose to ride solo, with partners, in groups of women, or with co-ed groups, once they experience the sense of personal empowerment that comes with safely navigating the intricacies of maneuvering a motorcycle, they describe being changed in ways they never imagined. The path of self-discovery can take many unexpected twists and turns, and often a rider’s journey winds up being quite different from what she first envisioned” – The Women’s Guide to Motorcycling

This book is an excellent resource for all women riders. Even if you’re a seasoned rider, this book can give you fresh ideas, inspiration, and new ways of boosting your skills and confidence!

Grab your copy here:



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